Friday, May 15, 2009
Some for the Glories of This World; and some
Sigh for the Prophet's Paradise to come;
Ah, take the Cash, and let the Credit go,
Nor heed the rumble of a distant Drum!
Omar Kahyam
Ein Gespenst geht um in Europa (a specter is haunting Europe), thus begins the Communist Manifesto. Today a different specter is haunting not only Europe, but the world, the specter of a depression. The current financial and economic crisis, which is still gathering force, is to the largest extent man-made, bearing the unmistakable stamp Made in America.
In fact we know the person responsible for this crisis: Monica Lewinsky. If she had not seduced Bill Clinton by displaying her thong underwear he would not have lied under oath and would not have been impeached. George Bush could not have run on a platform of restoring dignity and respectability to the White House and Al Gore would have been elected president. He would not have reappointed Allen Greenspan as Chairman of the Federal Reserve and there would have been no housing bubble, no subprime mess, and no crisis. So much for the personality theory of history.
Many forces, factors, and people conspired in creating this crisis, but Greenspan was perhaps the only one who could have prevented it. He was repeatedly warned about the developing housing bubble, but maintained that one could never be sure when a bubble was developing and that it would at any rate be better to let it deflate under its own weight and clean up the resulting mess afterwards. He even denied that a national housing bubble was possible, since housing was not a single national market.
Greenspan was an extreme proponent of laissez-faire capitalism and an acolyte of Ayn Rand. Her 1200-page book Atlas Shrugged, published in 1957, became the bible of libertarians, extreme free marketeers, many CEOs, and Allen Greenspan. He met Rand in 1951, became a member of her inner circle, and remained a close friend and supporter until her death in 1982.
In her book Rand espoused a philosophy, termed Objectivism, of complete laissez-faire and complete absence of government interference. The only morality is rational self-interest, altruism is evil. Her protagonist John Galt makes the sign of the dollar instead of the sign of the cross.
Greenspan had an illustrious career and acquired an almost god-like reputation as Chairman of the Federal Reserve Board. He was first appointed by President Reagan in 1987 and reappointed by every president, for the fifth time in 2004 by George W. Bush. His reputation rested in part on his aggressively lowering interest rates in reaction to the stock market crash of October 87 and again in October 2002, when the bubble burst. In 2001 Greenspan supported Bush’s tax cut for the rich, which caused the deficit to balloon, and in 2005 he endorsed the privatization of Social Security, both in violation of the Fed’s presumed political neutrality.
In 1998, Brooksley Born, chairperson of the CFTC (Commodity Futures Trading Commission) advocated legislation to rein in the huge and growing market for financial derivatives, in particular those known as a credit-default swaps. Her efforts were sabotaged jointly by Greenspan, Robert Rubin, Secretary of the Treasury, and Arthur Levitt, Chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission until she eventually quit in frustration.
A credit default swap (CDS) is a credit derivative contract between two counterparties in which one party makes periodic payments to another party to protect it from the risk of default on a particular debt instrument. If that debt instrument (a bond, a bank loan, a mortgage) defaults, the insurer compensates the insured for his loss.
CDS contracts have been thought of as insurance, because one party, by paying a premium, is entitled to compensation from the other party in the event of a loss. However, these contracts are completely private, the market in CDS contracts is huge - thought to be about 60 trillion dollars - and totally unregulated. As a result the parties at risk had grossly insufficient reserves to cover any losses. Credit-default swaps brought down AIG, the world’s largest insurer, which incurred losses of several hundred billion dollars. It was bailed out by the US Government to the tune so far of about $180 million dollars.
In 2000, Republican Senator Phil Gramm, then the chairman of the Senate banking committee, pushed through Congress the Commodity Futures Modernization Act, which effectively gutted the ability of the CFTC to regulate derivatives, thus keeping credit-default swaps free from federal regulation. The swaps market subsequently exploded, as financial firms bought and sold swaps as insurance to cover their trading in subprime securities and other freewheeling financial products. Greenspan was an ardent supporter of keeping swaps virtually unregulated and he consistently beat back any subsequent attempts by Congress to regulate derivatives, in particular credit-default swaps.
On October 23, 2008, in the House Oversight Committee Hearing on the Role of Federal Regulators Greenspan admitted errors and disavowed his libertarian views of markets and the world of finance and told the legislators: "Those of us who have looked to the self-interest of lending institutions to protect shareholders’ equity, myself especially, are in a state of shocked disbelief….You know that's precisely the reason I was shocked, because I have been going for 40 years or more with very considerable evidence that it was working exceptionally well." He admitted that his faith in the ability of free markets to produce the best outcomes had been shaken: "I made a mistake in presuming that the self-interests of organizations, specifically banks and others, were such as that they were best capable of protecting their own shareholders and their equity in the firms."
He called the banking and housing crisis a "once-in-a-century credit tsunami" that led to a breakdown in how the free market system functions. And he warned that things would get worse before they get better, with rising unemployment and no stabilization in housing prices for "many months." He even went so far as to propose tougher government regulation.
The basic function of banks and other financial institutions such as the stock and bond markets is to aggregate the savings generated by households and businesses and put them to work by making loans and investments. These investments may be in factories, business inventories, family homes, and cars, or intangibles such as a college education. When the financial markets are working properly, allocation of funds to borrowers would be both prudent, that is, risk-aware, and efficient, that is, to the most productive uses.
While in the last 10 years American households and businesses generated almost no savings, there was an enormous influx of foreign savings from developing countries such as China, from mature export-oriented countries such Germany and Japan, and from oil-exporting countries. These countries were in effect underconsuming and oversaving while the US was overconsuming. Furthermore, after the bubble burst the Greenspan Fed kept interest rates at 1% for a number of years, flooding the economy with cheap money. Thus the financial markets were awash in funds and the fierce competition for borrowers ignited a housing boom, especially pronounced in California, Arizona, Nevada, and Florida.
As the economy improved after the bust people were quite prepared to buy new and larger homes at very low interest rates and thus diversify from the stock market, which had crashed. Traditionally mortgages were made by banks or savings and loan institutions, which kept them on their books until they were paid off. Banks, most of which have FDIC insurance, had to be risk-aware. But in the last 15 years a large number of non-bank mortgage companies had sprung up. These companies financed their lending by bundling large blocks of mortgages and issuing bonds with these mortgages as collateral (securitization). These so-called collateralized debt obligations (CDOs) were sold to investors worldwide including commercial and investment banks, insurance companies, pension funds, mutual fund companies, and hedge funds.
Thus the risk of default was pushed off onto others and underwriting standards deteriorated or became non-existent. No down payments were required nor was proof of income. Many loans had an adjustable interest rate that started with a very low teaser rate and later escalated to above 10%. Many loans were interest-only, where for a period of time no principal was repaid. Some loans initially required no payments at all and interest was added to the principal owed. Many potential borrowers were pressured or defrauded into signing the loan papers and many had no idea what they were signing. Those that understood and asked questions were told not to worry: You can always refinance the loan, house prices will keep going up.
In the later stages the boom was feeding on itself and speculation entered the market, operators who just bought a property to resell or ‘flip’ it a few months later. This pyramid scheme kept going as long as house prices kept going up. The increases were indeed staggering.
I bought a condominium in La Jolla, CA, in December 1979 for exactly $100 000, at the height of the boom at the time. Immediately afterwards Volker, the chairman of the Federal Reserve increased the federal funds rate to a maximum of 19%, which caused the housing market to contract and values to decrease. It took 20 years, from December 1979 until December 1999, for the value of the condominium to increase from $100000 to $120000, a gain of just 1% per year not considering inflation. From then until December 2005 its valuation increased from $120000 to $450000, an increase of 275% or 46% annually. This was insane.
In February 1999 I bought a house in Temecula, CA, for $173000 and sold it six years later for $420 000, a gain of 143%. Such gains were justified by nothing and clearly unsustainable. The house of cards built on mortgages for vastly overvalued houses was destined to collapse.
We have heard of Popular Delusions & the Madness of Crowds, we know of the tulip mania of 1637, we are familiar with the stock market crash of 1929, which preceded the Great Depression, we recall Black Monday in October 1987 . Yet it is still extraordinary to witness two examples of mass delusions and mass euphoria in our time and within five years of each other: the bubble and the housing bubble. It is inexplicable how the belief that prices could only keep going up became the firmly held conviction of millions. It was not confined to the naïve; it was shared by professionals, by traders, by bankers, by Wall Street CEOs, and by most economists. This led Business Week to ask in its April 16, 2009, issue "What good are economists anyway?"
There were some cassandras. We mentioned Brooksley Born, chair of the Commodity Futures Trading Commission. Nouriel Roubini of NYU was early in predicting a severe recession. Yale University's Robert J. Shiller predicted the housing bust and the tech-stock bust. These prophets shared the fate of the Cassandra of Greek myth, who was given the gift of prophesy by Apollo. When she spurned his advances, he added the curse to his gift that nobody would believe her dire predictions.
Perhaps the most explicit warnings were contained in the presentation given by Raghuram Rajanat at the 2005 Jackson Hole symposium, arranged by the Kansas City Fed and dedicated to Fed Chairman Alan Greenspan, who was soon to retire. Although most of Rajanat’s predictions would come to pass, his paper was denounced as “misguided” by Lawrence Summers, Secretary of the Treasury under Clinton and now Chairman of the National Economic Council under Obama. Donald Kohn, now Vice Chairman of the Fed, said that for central bankers to enact policies aimed at stemming risk-taking would “be at odds with the tradition of policy excellence of the person whose era we are examining at this conference.”
Not being swept up in the general euphoria would have been very difficult for professionals, real estate agents, traders, mortgage brokers, bankers, CEOs of financial companies, even if they had misgivings. For while the party lasted huge profits were being made. Warren Buffet, the investment guru and Oracle of Omaha, was severely criticized for standing aside during the boom.
Chuck Prince, then CEO of Citigroup, told the Financial Times in August 2007 “You’ve got to get up and dance” and then added “We’re still dancing.” This was just before the crisis broke and only weeks before he resigned. But a bank of Citi’s size cannot sit out the boom without engendering the wrath of shareholders, analysts, employees, managers, politicians and even customers.
It would also have been difficult for public officials, such as President Bush or Mr. Greenspan, to deflate the developing bubble, even it they had wanted to. They would have faced devastating criticism from those who firmly believed the good times would go on forever and from those who had recently bought a house or shares and would end up with losses. Of course, that damage would have been far less than the trillions we are stuck with now.
During the bubble it was very clear to me that share prices had reached absurd levels and that I was riding a tiger. I sold two thirds of my stock holdings two weeks before the market peak in March 2002. The timing was accidental, but the conviction was deeply held. Did I escape all punishment. Not quite. For one thing I had sold only two thirds of my holdings and I also got back into the market too early. It is difficult to believe after a stock has lost 50% of its value that it could lose another 40%.
Similarly, it was obvious to me that the rapid appreciation of housing values in the early 2000s was without any foundation. When I became aware that my house in Temecula had so dramatically risen in value, my first reaction was disbelief and then panic. That is why I sold it in February 2005.
The stock market had also recovered spectacularly from the bust and reached a new peak in October 2007. In 2007 alone my stock portfolio had gained 27% and I considered selling. There were two obstacles, however. Since I had invested in index funds representative of the world economy I had resolved never to sell them and just ride out the ups and downs of the stock market. I also did not want to pay 25% tax on the substantial capital gains. I did not mind the 15% federal tax, but the additional 10% California tax struck me as too much. As a result my portfolio has so far lost about 50% in value. But at least I converted half of Artie’s stock holdings into government bonds.
Default and delinquency rates in the subprime market as well as foreclosures began to rise in 2006, but lending continued on its frenetic pace. The first indication of things to come was the collapse in June 2007 of two hedge funds owned by Bear Stearns that had invested heavily in the subprime market.
As the year went on, more banks found that securities they thought were safe were tainted with defaulted mortgages and were turning into what came to be called toxic assets. At the same time, the rising number of foreclosures helped speed the fall of housing prices, and the number of prime mortgages in default also began to increase. However, the wider economy remained unaffected and stock markets reached historic highs in October 2007.
By March 2008 conditions had deteriorated and the Federal Reserve arranged for the forced sale of Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase at $2.00 per share while the Fed assumed $30 billion in liabilities in the process. After protests JP Morgan later raised the price to $10.00.
On July 11, 2008, IndyMac Bank was seized by FDIC regulators. It was the second-largest bank failure in U.S. history. IndyMac had 33 branches and about $32 billion in deposits. Artie and I maintained accounts there. All depositors were fully compensated although the insurance limit at the time was only $100 000 per person. Since then more than 50 other banks have failed.
In August 2009, as more and more borrowers defaulted on their mortgages, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac threatened to become insolvent. These government-sponsored entities are stockholder-owned corporations chartered by the US Government. Their function is to buy up mortgages and securitize them. The securities they issue are assumed to be backed by the US Government, although no formal guarantee existed. They were sold to financial institution worldwide, among them the Chinese government. On September 7, 2008, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were taken over by the US Goverment, which assumed all their losses.
On September 15, 2008, Lehman Brothers filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. The filing marked the largest bankruptcy in U.S. history; it was unprepared, disorderly and chaotic. Lehman's failure sent shock waves through the global banking system and nearly caused it to collapse.
That same weekend Merrill Lynch hurriedly sold itself to Bank of America to avoid bankruptcy. Three months later this deal would nearly bring Bank of America down.
On September 16, American International Group, a worldwide insurance giant, was on the verge of failure because its AIG Financial Products Corporation, a subsidiary based in London, had written $447 billion in credit default swaps with insufficient capital reserves. A bankruptcy would have been disastrous for the world economy and the US government decided to seize control of AIG with an initial stake of $85 billion, which later ballooned to $180 billion.
Washington Mutual was seized by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation (FDIC) on September 25 in what was by far the biggest bank failure in US History. It was immediately sold to JPMorgan Chase & Co. for $1.9 billion. Its stockholders and bondholders were wiped out. It was and still is my main bank.
In this climate of continuing fear, uncertainty, and rumors of more pending bank failures Treasury Secretary Henry M. Paulson on September 18 introduced a $700 billion proposal that would allow the government to buy toxic assets from the nation's biggest banks in order to shore up their balance sheets and restore confidence.
President Bush pleaded with lawmakers to pass the bill, but on September 29, the House rejected the proposal with Republicans leading the opposition. Stocks plunged nearly 9 percent. A revised version of the bill was finally passed on October 3, but did little to restore confidence.
In the meantime the crisis had gone global. In some countries such as Britain, Ireland, Spain and Australia the crisis was entirely homemade following the American pattern of an overheated housing market, overextended credit, and collapsing banks. In other countries such as Germany, France and Switzerland the contagion spread through banks that had bought too many of the toxic assets sold by American banks. During the weekend following passage of the bail-out bill by Congress the German government moved to guarantee all private savings accounts in the country. Several state-owned banks had to be bailed out as well as the privately owned Hypo Real Estate Bank.
Some countries, such as the Baltic and East-European nations, had taken on far too much foreign credit. Other countries were drawn into the down spiral because their income from exports was drastically reduced, whether they were exporters of high-tech products like Japan and Germany or exporters of oil and other raw materials like the Arab nations, Russia, Venezuela, and Brazil.
As stock markets in the United States, Europe and Asia continued to plunge, the world's leading central banks on October 8 took the drastic step of a coordinated cut in interest rates. After a week in which stocks declined almost 20 percent on Wall Street, European and American officials announced further coordinated actions that included taking equity stakes in major banks, including $250 billion in investments in the United States. The action prompted a worldwide stock rally, with the Dow rising 936 points, or 11 percent, on October 13. Just two days later, when the prospect of a severe global recession became evident, the Dow plunged 733 points.
The volatility in the stock markets and foreign exchange markets continued amid a general downtrend for stocks. The three American automakers Ford, General Motors, and Chrysler, facing bankruptcy, came to Washington to ask for help. The economic uncertainty was compounded by the political uncertainty of a presidential election, alleviated in part when Obama was elected on November 4.
On November 14 and 15 the leaders of G20 countries held an emergency summit meeting in Washington to discuss coordinated action to deal with the financial crisis. General agreement was reached, but specific action postponed until the new administration would be in office.
In late November stock markets tumbled to their lowest levels in a decade. The slide from the their highs, reached in October 2007, had wiped out more than $8 trillion in wealth. Unemployment rose to its highest point in more than 15 years. Trade shrank. Home prices fell further. Prices for oil and other commodities also fell precipitously, bringing inflation to a halt, and economists began to worry about deflation. Retailers suffered the worst holiday season in 30 years as worried consumers cut back. Bankruptcies rose. On December 16, the Federal Reserve cut its benchmark interest rate to nearly 0%.
So far governmental action had averted a collapse of the global banking system. But the steps taken had been ad hoc, on a case-by-case basis, and without a general plan. Meanwhile the recession was deepening. On January 20, 2009, the day of Obama’s inauguration, the stock markets took another dive. His administration would now have to develop a systematic approach to further stabilize the banks and resuscitate the credit markets, to counteract the deepening recession, to revive the housing market, and rescue the auto industry.
There are several mechanisms that transform a financial crisis into an economic crisis, into a recession. There are even more mechanisms that make a recession self-reinforcing, negative feedback loops that lead to a downward spiral of the economy. And there are mechanisms that transform a local crisis into a worldwide recession.
A recession is a sustained decline in GDP, a nation’s output of goods and services. Four components make up the GDP: consumption, business investment, government purchases, and net exports.
Once borrowers started to default on their mortgages in greater numbers credit for housing started to dry up and building activity, after years of overbuilding, declined, resulting in retrenchment and lay-offs. Foreclosed homes added to the glut on the market and house prices, after years of climbing relentlessly, started to decline
Foreclosures reduce the cash flowing into banks and other holders of mortgage-backed securities (MBS), and their value declines. As banks write them down they incur losses which reduces their capital base. They must then either acquire new capital or reduce lending. If banks are not capitalized sufficiently to lend and must restrict credit, economic activity generally slows and unemployment increases. Unemployment reduces the income available for consumption and further increases foreclosures.
As consumers spend less, businesses sell less and need to reduce costs, usually by laying off staff. Those left jobless have less money to consume or to service their mortgages and thus the vicious circle continues. The unemployed also find it difficult to make payments on their credit cards and other personal debt such as auto loans. Defaults on these loans increase and put even more pressure on the banks.
As business profits decline, stock prices fall, reducing the net worth of households, which negatively affects consumption. Falling house prices also reduce the availability of home equity lines of credit, which would normally bolster consumption.
Mounting business failures leave store premises empty and offices unoccupied. This decreases the value of commercial real estate and leads to even more write-offs by the banks.
In turn, a low stock market, a no-growth business climate, and the unavailability of credit leads business to curtail or postpone investments, thus weakening the second component of the GDP.
Falling real estate values, falling sales and falling incomes of businesses and individuals severely reduce the tax revenues of state and local governments. Since they are, in general, required to balance their budgets this results in more cuts and lay-offs and drives the vicious circle, undermining the third component of GDP, government spending.
As already noted, exports also collapsed and thus the fourth component of GDP was of no help in bolstering demand, unlike during the Asian financial crisis of 1997, when Asian nations could export there way out of recession.
Finally, the unrelenting barrage of bad economic news leads to a general loss of confidence depressing the “animal spirits”, which drive the economy. In this climate of pessimism and uncertainty consumers postpone purchases and businessmen postpone or cancel investments, thus depressing demand and creating a further vicious circle. The economy is after all a confidence game.
There is no reason to believe that the downward spiral in economic activity will be self-correcting. During the Great Depression the economy operated at 25% below capacity for more than 10 years. As a result millions of people were thrown into deep poverty and starvation, ‘ill fed, ill clad, ill housed’ in Roosevelt’s words. The Depression ended only when World War II generated enormous demand for goods and services, which were financed through unprecedented budget deficits.
Actually, we do not really need the majority of the things and services we consume and the generation before us did with half of them. We do not need four cars per family and we do not need to replace them every three years. We do not need those enormous houses and cars. Many medications and medical procedures are ineffective and superfluous. We do not need all these pets, many of whom are abandoned. We do not need all this food, which makes us fat and causes us to go on expensive diets.
Reduced production and consumption certainly would be a boon to the environment. But the problem is that the loss of income in a recession is distributed very unevenly. The poor and the unemployed do not have enough to meet even minimal needs and suffer greatly. Therefore most governments feel the obligation to intervene.
Governments can take fiscal and monetary measures to stimulate the economy. Fiscally the government can hand money directly to consumers either through tax cuts or by handing out checks. This turns out not to be the most effective method since many consumers save the extra funds or use them to pay down debt, as was shown when rebate checks were sent out by the Bush administration a year ago. It is effective if the government aid is directed to the needy by, e. g., increasing unemployment benefits. It is also effective when the aid is given for a specific purpose. The German government will pay a bonus of €2500 to anybody who scraps an old gas guzzler and buys a new car. This policy supports the car industry and helps combat climate change. The US government will give a $8000 tax reduction to any first time home buyer in an effort to prop up the housing market.
A better way than cash payments is for the government to invest in infrastructure, roads and bridges, renewable energy, health care, and perhaps education, which will, over time, pay for themselves.
Most governments have started fiscal stimulus programs; the largest have been initiated by China and the US. To be able to do so a country must either have a surplus, as China does, or the ability to borrow, as the US and most European countries do. Others, such as Ireland and Iceland, as well as many East-European and African countries depend on IMF loans for relief.
Fiscal stimulus measures cannot go on forever. They wreak havoc on public finances and threaten future inflation. The hope is that stimulus measures will ‘prime the pump’, that increased employment will lead to more demand and consumption, which will lead to more employment and business investment, thus setting in motion a virtuous circle that will restore growth to its normal level.
On the monetary side the standard remedy in a recession is interest rate reductions. This has already been done and the federal funds rate is practically zero. However, given the desolate state of the banks and the fact that credit in the non-banking sector has practically ceased the Fed has taken a number of unprecedented additional steps.
The Fed has made a commitment to provide short term loans to sound banks and other financial institutions against collateral as needed, thus acting as lender of last resort and providing the necessary liquidity
A second strategy the Fed has employed is to use targeted lending to help free up critical credit markets outside of the banking system. One example is the commercial paper market. Commercial paper is a form of short-term debt issued by a variety of businesses to finance their operations such as the payroll or payments to suppliers. Among the largest investors in commercial paper are money market mutual funds. When investors in money market funds withdrew their funds the commercial paper market dried up. The Fed intervened directly in this market through a series of lending programs and thus kept credit for businesses available and interest rates low.
The Federal Reserve has also initiated a lending program designed to free up the flow of credit to households and small businesses. Among the forms of credit on which the program is currently focused are auto loans, credit card loans, student loans, and loans guaranteed by the Small Business Administration.
Restoring stability to the market for housing and home mortgages has been another area of concern for the Fed. To this end the Fed has initiated a program of buying securities in the open market. The FOMC has approved purchases of well over $1 trillion of mortgage-related securities guaranteed by the government-sponsored mortgage companies, Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. This program helps insure the availability of mortgages at lower interest rates.
These measures are intended to remain in place only until normal conditions in the credit markets are restored. This will only happen when the banks operate with sound balance sheets. Although the banks have written down hundreds of billions of toxic assets, even larger amounts remain on their balance sheets. As a result of the deepening recession additional bad debts from credit card defaults, commercial real estate, and business loans are accumulating. Apparently, the government has decided not to nationalize any banks (aside from the several dozen smaller failed banks taken over by the FDIC) , but to go the Japanese way, i. e., to let the banks gradually write down their losses against earnings. This may be politically easier, given the power of the banking lobby, but it will prolong the recession.
A Morality Play
The last three decades witnessed an orgy of expansion in the financial services industry based on greed, mass delusion, and a complete lack of common sense. In America the industry's share of total corporate profits climbed from 10% in the early 1980s to 40% at its peak in 2007. Its share of the stock market's value grew from 6% to 23%. The industry did not, however, create sufficient added value to justify such pre-eminence. At the peak, the industry accounted for only 14% of America's GDP and a mere 5% of private-sector jobs. Nevertheless, the financial rewards for those connected with the industry, from the captains of empires to the lowliest clerks, grew astronomically, whether in the form of overly generous salaries, big year-end bonuses, or stock options . Nobel Prize winner James Tobin foresaw this development in a lecture he gave in 1984:
"We are throwing more and more of our resources, including the cream of our youth, into financial activities remote from the production of goods and services, into activities that generate high private rewards disproportionate to their social productivity. I suspect that the immense power of the computer is being harnessed to this 'paper economy', not to do the same transactions more economically but to balloon the quantity and variety of financial exchanges."
Although foreseen by few it was inevitable that the bubble would burst and the gigantic house of cards come crashing down. Once somebody shouted "The emperor has no clothes!" the dogma that prices for real estate, stocks, and commodities could only rise was doomed. Loans were not repaid. Credit default swaps, which people thought insured them against defaults, turned out to be worthless. The ratings, which agencies such as Moody's, Standard & Poor's, or Fitch had issued for a fee, were pure fantasy. Trillions of dollars disappeared. Credit markets froze, and the pain spread from Wall Street to Main Street.
The recession began officially in December 2007 and has since mutated into a global crisis. There is enough blame to go around: Greedy and incompetent financiers, regulators too cozy with the industry they were supposed to supervise, politicians who were, and are, in the pocket of the banks, and consumers who went on a credit binge for things they did not need and could not afford.
Since 2007 America has lost 7m jobs. More than 15% of the workforce is jobless or underemployed, about 25 million people. American equities have collapsed in value by 57% from the October 2007 peak to a low in March of this year, although they have recovered somewhat lately. Industrial production fell by 12.8% in the year to March, the worst slide since the second world war. It is expected that the recession will reduce GDP by 3.5% overall. The state of California, mismanaged in the best of times, has a $25 billion budget deficit and will be bankrupt unless the legislature agrees in the next two weeks to the most drastic cuts in education, healthcare, welfare payments and other services. All state parks, including Anza-Borrego, in our backyard and the largest in the nation, have already been closed. The US auto industry is a shadow of its former self; General Motors and Chrysler are in bankruptcy.
The crisis has brought hardship to billions of people, but it has struck the poor hardest. They were already badly hurt by the run-up in food and gas prices before the crisis struck with full force. They are now more likely to lose their jobs, to become homeless, and end up on the street. Those dependent on welfare from states or municipalities suffer because of budget cuts. State programs to support the poor, especially Medicaid, the medical assistance program for the poor, are being cut back. Those dependent on private charity are at increased risk because, just as the need is greatest, donations are declining and help from private charities is drying up. Those who are uninsured and fall ill will have a much more difficult time to obtain treatment.
The developing countries are innocent bystanders in this catastrophe, yet they suffer severely. As capital becomes scarce in the west capital flows into developing countries dry up and investment projects are cut back or cancelled. Likewise official aid, the other type of external capital inflow, is being reduced by as much as 20% this year. Correspondingly infrastructure projects are being slashed.
A second effect of the meltdown is the precipitous fall in the prices of agricultural and industrial commodities, still the mainstay of exports in many developing countries. National budgets, which were in surplus, now show deficits and leave no room for stimulus programs. Only countries with a surplus, like China, or unlimited credit, like the US, can afford stimulus programs.
The export of manufactured goods to rich countries also has been affected, which is another reason for reduced economic activity. Similarly, the remittances of workers, such as Mexicans or Filipinos, who work abroad, are significantly reduced.
Thus the gains of globalization over the last decade are being rolled back with tragic consequences. The World Bank estimates that from 200,000 to 400,000 more children will die every year between now and 2015 than would have died without the crisis.
But not only the poor suffer in this crisis, the well-to-do are losers too. The asset values of equities and real estate have sharply declined. Many who have invested their savings in stocks saw their value decline by more than half, although share prices have recovered some lately. It is estimated that 20% of all homes are ‘under water’, meaning that they are worth less than the mortgage debt owed on them. These assets may recover their value over time, but if your are already retired or shortly before retirement, there may not be enough time. Retirees and savers in general are also hard hit with current interest rates for their savings of around 1%, when they were earning 4% or 5% before.
The greatest loss is the loss of one's job, especially in a country like the US with a thin safety net. The current unemployment rate is nearing 10% and certain to exceed it. In California it is 12%. It is not only the loss of income that makes unemployment so difficult to cope with, but also the descent on the socio-economic ladder. It can lead to depression, alcohol and drug abuse, and violence against wife and children. In an article (March 1, 2009, Forced From Executive Pay to Hourly Wage) the New York Times reports on the experiences of a number of highly paid executives who were reduced to menial work at low wages after they lost their jobs. In this recession also relatively more men are losing their jobs than women, so the wife is often the only breadwinner in the family.
I have seen many interviews with people who have become victims of the recession and I have been touched and impressed by the stoicism, dignity, and resilience they exhibit in the face of such traumatic and life-changing events. Unfortunately, given the nature and depth of this recession many of the jobs destroyed will never come back and the creation of new jobs may take years.
The economic crisis was preceded by a period of unprecedented greed. Symptomatic for this were the outsized salaries, bonuses, and stock option packets lavished on CEOs and other company officials. The new ‘malefactors of great wealth’ are not even the owners of enterprises but hired hands who have arrogated to themselves what belongs to the owners, i. e. the stockholders. The notion that the income of CEOs and other company officials is determined by a competitive market is absurd; it is determined by the incestuous dealings of insiders.
For instance, according to an annual ranking by Institutional Investor's Alpha magazine, published on April 16, 2008, top hedge fund managers made in excess of $3 billion in 2007. One manager, John Paulson, made $3.7 billion. The hedge fund managers James Simons and George Soros each earned almost $3 billion. Combined, the top 50 hedge fund managers last year earned $29 billion. That figure represents the managers' individual pay. Such pay scales are quite beyond the imagination of ordinary Americans and stand in stark contrast to stagnating wages and rising home foreclosures facing most Americans.
In April 2008 Exxon gave its CEO Lee Raymond perhaps the most generous retirement package in history, $400 million, including pension, stock options and other perks. Nearly half a billion dollars was given to one individual just to retire and paid for by the public out of ruinous prices at the gas pump.
Stanley O’Neal, the CEO of Merrill Lynch, in 2005 and 2006 pushed his firm heavily into the mortgage-backed-securities market then at its peak. When he was fired in October 2007, after the firm had suffered heavy losses, he walked away with a severance package worth $162 million.
His successor, John Thain, in the face of mounting losses proceeded to redecorate his office to the tune of $1.2 million, including a $1400 parchment waste paper basket. On the same weekend that saw Lehman go bankrupt he managed to sell Merrill Lynch, also effectively bankrupt, to Bank of America. On the last day of the year, one day before the sale to Bank of America became final, he paid $4 billion in bonus payments to his friends. The Merrill Lynch deal nearly bankrupted Bank of America and necessitated an additional multi-billion dollar bailout by the government.
Angelo R. Mozilo, the CEO of Countrywide Financial Corporation, received a total of $391.88 million compensation in the five years preceding the crisis. Countrywide was by far the largest originator of subprime mortgages and a primary driver of the financial crisis. On January 11, 2008, Bank of America acquired Countrywide Financial, which was teetering on the edge of bankruptcy, for about $4 billion in stock. Mozilo was scheduled to receive over $36 million in cash, a consulting contract with his company worth an estimated $400,000 a year, and such perks as the use of a corporate plane when he retired. On June 4, 2009. Mozilo was charged with securities fraud and insider trading in a civil suit brought by the Securities and Exchange Commission.
Joseph Cassano was the Chief Financial Officer of the Financial Products Division of AIG. As such he originated hundreds of billions of credit-default swaps, which would bring down AIG. Before he was forced to retire in March 2008, Cassano received $315 million: $280 million in cash and an additional $34 million in bonuses. An additional $1 million-a-month consulting fee was canceled only in September 2008. Cassano is now a fugitive.
The enormous redistribution of income from the middle class to the very rich is also evident from tax data published on January 29, 2009. Each year, the IRS releases information on the 400 U.S. taxpayers with the highest adjusted gross income. In 2006 each reported more than $263 million income on average, but paid income taxes at the lowest rate in the 15 years that the Internal Revenue Service has tracked such data. The average income tax rate fell to 17.2%. The high had been 29.9% in 1995.
The unraveling crisis also brought to light a number of securities frauds and scams that would likely have gone undetected in better times. The most spectacular is the Madoff affair, which went on for more than 20 years. It ensnared thousands of victims and $65 billion are unaccounted for. His victims include the rich, famous, and powerful as well as many ordinary people who lost their life savings and are now reduced to penury. Banks in Europe, Asia and South America lost billions to Madoff. So did charitable foundations. He mostly preyed on members of the Jewish community. Even the charitable foundation for holocaust victims, founded by Nobel laureate Elie Wiesel, was wiped out. Madoff occupied a position of high standing in society and was at one time vice chair of the NASDAQ stock exchange.
Fittingly, Madoff was investigated by the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission) several times and found blameless on each occasion. In 2005 Harry Markopolos, a former money manager, in a letter to the SEC provided detailed information that Madoff was running a Ponzi scheme. Somehow, the SEC managed to bungle the Madoff investigation again. Today (29 June 2009) Madoff was sentenced to 150 years in prison.
This powerfully reminded me of an investment scam that I fell victim to many years ago. A German lawyer had defrauded me of several hundred thousand Deutschmarks. For his fraud on me and others he was jailed for three years. It also reminded me that I once had been defrauded by a Merrill Lynch broker. On the advice of his lawyer he committed perjury in an arbitration hearing.
What have we learned from the crisis. The banks, the root cause of the crisis, have learned nothing. They continue to pay outsized salaries and bonusses, often in the face of big losses and often financed by taxpayer bailout money. They succeeded in eviscerating the foreclosure mitigation legislation by stripping out the ‘cramdown’ provision, which would have allowed the judge in a homeowner bancruptcy to modify the amount of the mortgage. They also actively sabotage other aspects of foreclosure reform by routinely losing applications, refusing applications on the slightest pretense, and putting up bureaucratic obstacles. They have been lobbying heavily against regulatory reform and especially against the proposed new Consumer Protection Agency that would regulate home loans, credit card fees, payday loans and other forms of consumer finance. Banks have recently pushed through very large fee increases as well burdensome credit card fees and terms. They have not sold any of the hundreds of billions of toxic assets for which the taxpayer bailout money was intended in the first place.
For many years banks made enormous phantom profits that were real enough to the recipients of this largesse, the managers, the employees, and the stockholders but have now resulted in trillion dollar losses. These losses are being paid for by the public, by people like you and me, while the crippled banks remain dysfunctional. Meanwhile, the Federal Reserve has taken on a major role in providing credit to the economy and the government has essentially guaranteed the liabilities of the biggest banks.
Payment for these losses takes the form of very high bank fees, interest on savings that is less than 1% (at my bank 0.01%), and eventually higher taxes and inflation. This does not even take into account the sub par economic performance and the army of unemployed and their diminished lives. It is an enormous transfer of wealth and a great unheralded injustice. It reminds me that the generation of my parents lost all their assets in the German hyperinflation of the 1920s.
How can the banks pull this off? Three reasons. The larger banks use blackmail. They say: If you let me go bankrupt it will irreparably damage the global economy and that will be much worse than paying me off. It always works. Second, the banks maintain the largest lobby in Washington and pay the largest donations to politicians.
US Sentor Dick Durbin, after he lost the battle for bankruptcy reform, declared on 27 April 2009: "And the banks -- hard to believe in a time when we're facing a banking crisis that many of the banks created -- are still the most powerful lobby on Capitol Hill. And they frankly own the place."
The third reason is the revolving door between Wall Street and Washington at the highest and all intermediate levels. Robert Rubin, once the co-chairman of Goldman Sachs, served in Washington as Treasury secretary under Clinton, and later became chairman of Citigroup’s executive committee. Henry Paulson, CEO of Goldman Sachs during the long boom, became Treasury secretary under George W. Bush. John Snow, Paulson’s predecessor, left to become chairman of Cerberus Capital Management, a large private-equity firm that also counts Dan Quayle among its executives. Alan Greenspan, after leaving the Federal Reserve, became a consultant to Pimco, perhaps the biggest player in international bond markets.
While I have been an Obama supporter from the very beginning I am sorely disappointed that he has done nothing to curb the power of the banks. He is saying all the right things, but there is no action. He watered down the stimulus package in a vain attempt to buy Republican bipartisanship. They thanked him with contempt. He gave up on the ‘cramdown’ provision in the Helping Families Save Their Homes Act that would have allowed judges to lower the principal on ‘underwater’ mortgages. He gave up on unifying the regulatory agencies. There is no restraint of outsized compensation. There is no restriction on lobbying. No toxic assets have been sold. Credit is limited and dear. The revolving door is still revolving. Many White House employees are acolytes of Wall Street. And I fear the same fate of evisceration will befall the pending health care and energy legislation.
Did I foresee this clamity? During the bubble it was abundently clear to me that the prices of equities were in the stratoshere and unmoored from reality. I acted on this conviction and sold two thirds of my holdings just prior to the market high. Likewise during the housing boom it was obvious to me that these prices were unsustainable and had to collapse. Accordingly I sold the house in Temecula in 2005. Even before then I had sold my holdings in Lennar, Thornberg Mortgage, Lehmann, and FreddieMac. Three of these companies went bankrupt, Lennar, which built my house, lost 90% of its value. I had been uneasy, in general, about the level of stock market valuations, but decided – unfortunately - for tax reasons not to sell. At least we sold half of Artie’s equity holdings.
I did not, however, foresee the depth and gravity of the crisis because I was ignorant of the various and self-reinforcing “financial weapons of mass destruction” that Warren Buffett warned against in his Letter to Shareholders in March 2003. They included, as we have seen, fraudulent underwriting, securitization, collateralized debt obligations, credit default swaps, and fantasy agency ratings,
How has the crisis touched us? Our stock portfolios were down by 57% on 9 March 2009, the current market low, although they have recovered steadily since then. Most of my investments are in fixed-interest savings accounts. Since interest rates have been forced down from more then 5% to less then 2%, my income has been drastically reduced. Artie had to forego a planned salary increase. This not only reduces present income, but also her future pension. The University of California, where Artie works as a Director of Business and Fiscal Affairs, has now introduced furloughs, that is unpaid leave, amounting to a salary reduction of 7%. Artie had planned to retire a year from now, but under the pressure of events has now decided to work two more years instead.
This crisis has not only discredited American capitalism but also American democracy, already under siege after the abuses of the Bush administration. Congress is utterly corrupt and incompetent. Year after year, decade after decade it has refused to deal with the problems that matter: finance reform, education reform, healthcare reform, social security reform, dependence on fossil fuels, and climate change. Instead Congress has supported an immoral, destructive, costly, and unnecessary war. Congress, of course, only reflects the will of the American people.
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1 comment:
I really liked this post. It is clear that you know what you are talking about. I especially liked all the facts and figures. I had forgotten how bad the 2007-2008 financial crisis was, but this post brings it all back. I had also forgotten what it felt like at the time, but this post brings that back too. Well written.
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